Interview with Luthier Óscar Muñoz for Madera Guitarras

I leave you the link of the interview that the guitarist and owner of the luthier guitars sales company, Madera Guitarras, did with me for his website Alberto Cuellar in my workshop on the occasion of the reissue of the book "Guitarreros de Granada".

In this complete interview we make a brief tour of my career and expose much of the philosophy, vision and way of approaching and understanding on my part the world of handcrafted guitar making.

In this interview I show the approach that I try to capture in my instruments, what are my preferences and way of understanding the guitar and how it should be from my point of view a Spanish guitar handmade in a workshop in Granada. This interview lets you see what are the ideas that move me when shaping my guitars, are characteristics, preferences and where the morphology of my instruments derives.